Running Upright Relieves Cramps

17 Jul 2019   fitness

A few friends and I are running the second half of the San Francisco Marathon on Sunday, July 28th. I’ve been pretty good about following a ten week training schedule - haven’t missed a day so far. (This is in stark contrast with half marathon I ran two years ago, for which I was woefully unprepared.)

Something I’ve noticed while training: midway through long runs, I tend to cramp up in my abdomen area - a sharp stabbing pain right underneath my rib cage. Apparently it’s called a “side stitch” (Wikipedia). In any case, it’s no fun, so I’ve put some effort into figuring out how to mitigate/prevent.

The obvious remedy is simply to slow down. To catch my breath. But to do so is to admit defeat, and I will not let the cramp win. Another pretty common piece of advice is to drink more water. Unfortunately, I don’t have much anecdotal evidence for this one, as my hydration has been solid over the past couple of weeks (shout out to my new huge water bottle).

In any case, here’s what’s worked for me:

Looking forward to next Sunday!