Start Today

21 Aug 2019  

Often times I’ll think to myself, “If only I had started yesterday.” Started that project, that blog post, that book. Started investing. Started learning a new language. Started working out. Started traveling. Started journaling. The list goes on.

When that happens, it’s helpful to remember: everyone starts somewhere. Every single person that I look up to today was once where I am - at the starting line. It’s just that they made the decision to begin a little bit sooner.

Time passes more quickly than you think, and the world ain’t getting any smaller. If you start today - whatever it is - I can almost guarantee that not too far from now, people will look at you and think, “If only I had started yesterday.”

(I’ve already experienced this phenomenon with, e.g., open source projects. When I first started working on them, it didn’t feel like they were actually going to go anywhere. Sure enough, years later, they’re starting to pick up some steam. It’s really nice when an investment pays off.)