19 Nov 2019   software
Sometimes it’s tough to find the energy to write a blog post. I have a long list
topics that I want to write about, but it’s hard to find the willpower to fire
up a text editor and start riffing. To make things worse, Jekyll blog post file
names have the following format: yyyy-mm-dd-title.md
. As such, it can be
annoying to:
So I built a tool that reduces the friction involved in managing Jekyll blog
posts: mackorone/jekyll-blog-cli
(Yes, I was procrastinating…)
Key features include:
libraryIn short, I never have to manually type date strings - nice.
List blog posts by date:
$ blog list
Open a post by title (with tab-completion):
$ blog open <TAB>
$ blog open hello-world.md
Update the date by title:
$ blog touch hello-world.md
Before: 2019-07-14-hello-world.md
After: 2019-11-19-hello-world.md
Run Jekyll server locally:
$ blog serve